Friday, March 19, 2010


My first Tri is coming up soon. April 11th in Claremore OK. Chris Tallman and I are going to go down and stay the night and then get up early and try to act like we're athletes. I've been working hard, and I know Chris will be up to the challenge by race day as well. He has done this before, but it's all new to me. I have talked to more experienced friends about tri-athlon logistics, and I think they have given me some good advice. I'm still worried about the swim, but more about being competitive than completion. I've managed to get up to 700y in a session and that's pretty close to my theory of going double distance on all three events. I'll do my first brick Sunday. It'll have to be indoors though. I plan to go 40 min. on the trainer and then 20 min. on the treadmill at about 7 mph. Since I've been training in the pool, I've managed to get more confidence. I've gone from swimming 25y and having to rest to swimming 100y and still having some gas in the tank. It's encouraging, but I still lack the confidence to just crank out 500m. It's coming though.


  1. Hi, this is kaz, who posted comment on your modelling blog the other day.

    I've done several olympic distance (51.5km) races and 4 long distance races(200.195km) and I can say that Swim part seems scary for beginners before the race, but once you started, fear will gone and strength comes. After finishing it you feel like yourself the strongest on earth! :-)

    You've trained well, so I'm sure you can do it.

  2. Hey Kaz! Thanks for the encouragement man, it means a lot. Swim is getting there for me. I did a solid 500 steady and solid 1000 total. Best and stay in touch.
