Saturday, September 25, 2010

1/2 M training & IM Branson thoughts

Switching to training for the half marathon has been a little different. I miss the variety of training for multi-sport events. Now I run five days a week, when before I was running three times a week. I have added a bike ride or two just because I can and I enjoy it. I need to hit the pool sometime in the coming weeks just to see if I can apply any of the lessons I learned at the swim clinic.

I pulled a real boneheaded move last week. I haven't given blood in some time because it would have meant a disruption in training and my race schedule. However, I decided that I could manage it with a couple of days rest. So, I gave. I decided AFTER I gave to research the recovery period. What I found out was much worse than I imagined. While my fluids would be back up in time for my eight mile weekly long run, my hemoglobin would take in the neighborhood of two-three weeks to get back to normal. Needless to say, my long run was a debacle. Average split was about a minute to a minute and a half slower than my last long run. I walked much more than I would have liked. Hydration is becoming an issue as well. I bought a fuel belt the other day so I don't have to worry about where to find a water stop anymore. I'm switching up my long run route too. I'll hit the Ozarks Greenways South Creek trail this Sunday.

I went down to Branson last Sunday to watch the athletes compete in the IM 70.3. I missed the swim, but managed to find a pretty good vantage point for the bike portion. I got to see all the leaders fly through. When the main pack came through I moved to the T2 are to see some of the run. The bike course is very challenging. I know because my last race of the season was the same route. Long and steep hills are de rigeur for this course. I knew several people that were doing the race. One friend got food poisoning and couldn't compete. Another finished, but got ill on the bike section. One acquaintance had reportedly killed on the swim and bike, only to bonk from dehydration on the run. My neighbor Dennis finished with a pretty fair time even though he tells me he walked some of the run. I salute all these folks for having the guts to train and enter this very grueling race. It's on my radar if they continue to have it. I'm reviewing training plans now. 2011? No. 2012? Maybe...

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