Ahhh, a photo from a better time. A 10k PR. Two weeks later I was all jacked up.
Well, after kind of feeling around the edges for what my season might be like this summer, I think some of what I'm going to be able to do is starting to gel. I'm looking at a 10k in March or April, I can't remember when. The Claremore race is out, but Willard is still in play. Concreteman Olympic distance..... maybe. I will most likely do the Republic Tiger-Tri and Branson Mountain-Man races if I can get some quality bike time. I'm waiting until after my next follow-up to make some of these decisions. Strength continues to return. I have to credit my PT with setting me up with a program that I can do at my own gym. As I progress, I still struggle with the reality of how slowly this is happening. Right now, I'm three months post-op, and looking forward to seeing where I'll be at the end of May.